Company Analysis Project: Strategic Objective Presentation

Throughout this course, you have been using different analysis strategies to determine best practices for developing your business plan. Using the company approved in Week 3, you will conduct a situational analysis to reassess the current strategic position of your company and propose a new strategic objective. Additionally, you will outline business plan goals to achieve this objective to key stakeholders, detailing how leadership will monitor progress toward these goals.


Assessment Deliverable 

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes for key stakeholders to solicit their approval of your strategic objective. Address the following in your presentation:  

  • Introduction: Include the company’s mission and vision statements.
  • Core Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility: Highlight the company’s foundational principles.
  • Company Analysis:
  • Internal Environment Analysis: Assess strengths and weaknesses related to resources, trademarks, patents, copyrights, or current processes.
  • External Environment Analysis: Examine opportunities and threats related to market trends, economic trends, demographics, or regulations.
  • Impact Evaluation: Analyze how the internal and external environments influence the company’s ability to achieve its strategic objectives.
  • Strategic Objective: Outline a new strategic objective, selected based on your Week 3 analysis.
  • Business Plan Goals: Detail short- and long-term goals for achieving the strategic objective. Include lessons learned from your analysis of a struggling company in the Week 5 Summative Assessment: Company Analysis Project: Struggling Company Analysis.
  • Measurement Methods: Define how leadership will measure progress toward these goals, including specific metrics and data collection methods.


Include visuals where appropriate and an APA-formatted references slide.


Cite at least 2 sources other than your textbook. 


Submit your assessment.

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